Blobbins is a monthly released newspaper comic series created by Joaquin Munguia, distributed for Applied Technology Center: The Blueprint. This series has produced over 20+ different entries over the course of a year. There are planned to be 16 new entries before the school year ends, ending off with a staggering number of 35.

This episodic comic run does not feature any established characters, or any depth at all. Instead, it follows the lives of these weird creatures called Blobbs (Blobbins for plural). They all have no name, and are only means to an end. But this allows for an infinite possibility of comedy.

  • The place where you can read all of the current Blobbins comics easily! Be aware that they start from newest to oldest.

  • Discover the background of the Blobbins comics, how they both came to be! & How they evolved into what we know them as today.

  • See scripts, sketches, and concepts of previous Blobbins comics! There's a lot more to these silly comics than what meets the eye.

  • Watch Joaquin reflect on his previous Blobbins comics, one by one! Fun facts, scrapped ideas, and inspirations are all discussed.

VOLUME 2: ISSUE 3 - #22 & #23 (Coming Soon)

VOLUME 2: ISSUE 2 - #20 & #21

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 7 - #16 - #19

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 6 - #15

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 5 - #13 & #14

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 4 - #11 & #12

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 3 - #8 - #10

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 2 - #4 - #7

VOLUME 1: ISSUE 1 - #1 - #3